Membership Start-up


Ruoxiang Aviation Club Standard Membership is promoted mainly with popularizing aviation knowledge,activiating China’s general aviation market in the most-developing areas,and to cultivate the concepts of ga future. 

Ruoxiang Aviation Club Owning-helicopter Membership will be based on Ruohang’s existing airports and facilities, putting customer service as priority and properly controlling the member numbers, according to the scale of helicopter fleet and the facility service ability, with a mind of developing step by step. 

All club members enjoy the the full-membership exclusive club rights. The club don’t have any membership agent, while Ruoxiang Aviation Club and Ruoer general aviation development group reject to serve any non-club member. 

Besides the Chinese version, related documents and materials of Ruoxiang aviation club can be rendered at other language versions, while if having any difference, the Chinese version will be followed up. 

We will consider the pratical club business developing scale in the premise of abiding with the relevant national laws and regulation, and thus to revise the Club Regulation every western-calendar year.

The final Interpretation right for this Club Regulation is owned by Ruoer General Aviation Development Group.